The life of Napoleon Buonaparte : containing every authentic particular, by which his extraordinary character has been formed ; with a concise history of the events that have occasioned his unparalleled elevation and a philosophical elevation of his manners and policy as a soldier, a stattes man, and a sovereign. Including Memoirs and original anecdotes of the imperial family, and the most celebrated characters that have appeared in France during the Revolution / by Willem Lodewyk Van Ess


Van Ess, Willem Lodewyk. Auteur

Edité par for M. Jones. London - 1809

Volume I : portraits de Beauharnais, La Rochefoucault, Bailly, Santerre, Fayette [sic] (La Fayette), Custine, Roland, Dumourier [sic] (Dumouriez), Duc d'Orléans, Marie-Antoinette, Robertspeire [sic] Robespierre, Pichegru, Princesse d'Orange, Paoli..
Volume II : portraits d'Elphi Bey, Jourdan, Marceau, Augereau, Kellerman, Regnier, Andreossi, Scherer, Suvarrow (Suvaroff).
Volume III : portraits de Masséna, Lefebvre, Joubert, Daendel, Kléber, Sieyes, Kray, Brune, Saliceti.
Volume IV : Mounier, Jean archiduc d'Autriche, Abercrombie, Frédéric III roi de Prusse, Paul Ier, Kourakine, Louis Otto, , Schimmelpenninck.
Volume V : Duc d'Enghien, Nelson, Constantin grand Duc de Russie, Jefferson.
Volume VI : portraits de Dubayet, Eugène Napoléon (Beauharnais), Charles IV d'Espagne, Jose Palafox, Joseph Bonaparte roi d'Espagne.
Volume VII : portraits de Napoléon Ier, John Moore, Comte Gottorp ex roi de Suède, Charles Archiduc d'Autriche, beresford, Wellington, Joséphine Impératrice de France, Berthier.
Volume VIII : portraits du général Porlier, François Empereur d'Allemagne, bernadotte, Schwarzenberg, Kutusoff (Koutousoff), Wittgenstein, Ney.
Volume IX : portraits de Kosciusko, lord Hill, Von York, Saint-Cyr, Duroc, Moreau, Bennigsen, William I, king of the Netherlands (Guillaume Ier roi des Pays-Bas), Blucher, Talleyrand, Pie VII, Murat, Duchesse d'Angoulême, Brunswick, Carnot, Picton.

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